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Elephant Biologists


Elephant Biologists are scientists whose profession involves or has involved the study of elephants.

We, the undersigned Elephant Biologists stand by the sentiments expressed in The Elephant Charter and through our words and actions we endeavour to uphold its Principles.

As an Elephant Biologist I wish to add my name as Signatory.

First name Last name Position Country
Moss Cynthia Director, Amboseli Trust for Elephants Kenya
Payne Katherine Research Assoc, Bioacoustics Research Program, Cornell Univ; Founder, Elephant Listening Project United States
Turkalo Andrea Associate Conservation Scientist, Wildlife Conservation Society, Primary Investigator, The Dzanga Forest Elephant Study Central African Republic
Sukumar Raman Professor of Ecology, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore India
Poole Joyce Co-Director, ElephantVoices Norway/Kenya
Archie Elizabeth Assistant Professor, Biology Department, Fordham University United States
Abe Eve Ethologist and Wildlife Consultant Uganda
Gunawardena Manori Wildlife Biologist Sri Lanka
Garaï Marion Elephant ethologist; Chairperson, Space for Elephants Foundation South Africa
Njiraini Norah Training Manager, Amboseli Trust for Elephants Kenya
Lee Phyllis Professor Psychology, University of Stirling United Kingdom
Bates Lucy Elephant researcher, University of St Andrews United Kingdom
Dobson Andrew Professor, Princeton University United States
Kiiru Winnie Elephant Biologist Kenya
Byrne Richard Professor of Evolutionary Psychology, University of St Andrews United Kingdom
Redmond Ian Consultant Wildlife Biologist United Kingdom
Groo Melissa Researcher United States
Kurt Fred MSc Phd Switzerland
Croze Harvey Trustee, Amboseli Trust for Elephants Kenya
Chiyo Patrick Research Uganda